
What I’m Manifesting 2021

I don’t have many resolutions or goals, instead I’m manifesting 2021. To be honest, I don’t even really know what this year will look like! I’m not sure when I’ll graduate from my MA as I’m working remotely. From what I can tell, there won’t be any big trips but there might be a few big things happening. Here are the things I *hope* will happen in 2021, trusting that if they don’t it’s because it wasn’t meant to be.

A girl stands in a heavy, fur-trimmed parka in front of a snowy winter city skyline.

2021 Manifestation 1: Buying Things

We will (definitely) buy a car

A major thing I want to get done this year is transferring my Ontario license over to a U.K. license. It’s such a hassle to do because you have to mail everything in. I couldn’t do it in 2020 because I needed all my IDs to wait for my Visa to come in… all the life admin! I swear life admin runs my world. Anyways, this year everything is a bit more settled paperwork-wise.

I don’t want a fancy car, just something used and safe. There are a lot of things I never do in Scotland (like camping!) because living here always felt temporary. Getting a car felt sooooo out of reach, now that we’re planning to be here long term I can justify the cost a bit more. It means we’ll be able to drive to see family which makes visiting them a lot easier. Cannot wait to have the freedom that comes with a car!

We will (probably) buy a flat

Buying a flat is more on Angus’s “manifesting for 2021” list than mine. As both a student and an immigrant, there is no mortgage available to me so that’s on him! He wants to buy a flat and I’d quite like to be paying back a mortgage rather than paying rent. I’m looking at it as an opportunity to have a big change, which I reaaaaaaaally I’m hoping for. 2020 has felt very stagnant, I’m so ready for a change of scenery and new challenges.

We might move!

Along with buying a flat, we’ve been looking at places outside of Edinburgh. With only one income to factor into a mortgage, it’s not easy to find somewhere liveable in Edinburgh. If I’m honest, I’m also really ready to move on and find somewhere that feels a bit different. We’ll still look in Edinburgh, but we’re also looking in Glasgow and East Lothian, only time will tell what comes of it!

2021 Manifestation 1: Doing New/Old Things

Doing more of what I enjoy

Like I said before, there’s a lot of stuff I used to do that I stopped doing when I moved to Scotland. Moving was supposed to be a big (temporary) adventure, a time to try new things! And then… it never ended. Looking around my teenage bedroom at Christmas reminded me of just how much I used to do, and stuff that was easy and enjoyable! I used to paint! I used to write letters! Print off all my photos and create themed photo albums! Collect art books! Sketch! Read! Up-cycle! Hike! So. Many. Things. And I stopped doing all of them. I used to still write, and I kind of started reading again but I completely lost the mentality of just doing the stuff that I like.

More of that this year. Maybe I’ll start sharing poetry on my instagram again.

Knitting jumpers and Fair Isle and Icelandic patterns!

I’ve gotten mega into knitting again this winter. In need of cheap, homemade Christmas gifts I turned back to knitting and I (finally) broke away from standard stocking stitch patterns. I’ve made a lot of makeup wipes, a fair few pair of mittens, a cushion and a cover, a blanket and a pair of slippers. In 2021 I bought the easy Sable jumper pattern and I want to knit that this early this year and then hopefully practice some more complicated patterns mixing colours! In a perfect world, Angus lets me move to a croft where I can raise and spin my own wool, have a big knitting machine and make a ton of pretty 100% wool products. Unlikely, but a girl can dream.

There is something really, extraordinarily satisfying of coming away from binging a TV program with a new knitted product. It’s saved my mental health during the pandemic because I feel like at least I’m doing something.

What are you manifesting in 2021?

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