lifestyle chats

Monthly Memo #4: Going Back to School

Going back to school….? Kind of. November had a lot going on. I’ve started prepping for Christmas, we’ve got our tree (put it up way too early, let’s not talk about that), we’ve got some decorations and we’ve got some gifts, score! November was also a month of trying to get that work/balance life right. And a month of trying to get plants to grow in the flat and how to make it less grimy and more Instagram. A month of trying to keep the flat clean. Also, it had a few weeks of rabid illness thrown in, and a bit of excitement here in there. Most excitingly, my work went on our away days and I started my new apprenticeship. Don’t worry, I’ll explain this whole brain dump.

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What’s Weirder: Dating Someone You’ve Never Met, Or Someone You Know Well?

I’ve been thinking about the question of how you meet people a lot lately.

Half of the people I’ve dated I’ve known for awhile before we started dating, whether that be through work, or school, or hobbies. The other half are people I met off-chance and hit it off with. In both cases, it felt more like I knew that person in some capacity before we started dating, because we didn’t meet and the intention wasn’t immediately the possibility of a relationship of some sort (or was it?). Now that I’ve been frequenting the Tinder, I’m curious about how you date someone you’ve never met before? We’ve covered topics like: do I really want to be dating? And how am I going to know if I like them romantically? But we’ve never covered the ‘how do you even get to know someone from a strictly dating perspective?’

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