Monthly Memo – I got engaged!

Well, well, well… here we are again for another monthly memo. This one goes out to everyone who is nosy and invested in personal lives (like me!). Lucky for you, February was a massive month for me! I got engaged, I went cat sitting, I quit my job! All equally big things. Here’s what happened in February, and what’s coming in March.

I got engaged!

It’s true! I met my fiancé less than a year ago on tinder and now we’re engaged. It sounds insane when I say it like that, but it was really such a natural progression for us! It’s crazy on paper, but if you know us then you’ll know it’s not out of character. We’ve been talking about marriage seriously since September. We moved in together in October. My mom brought me her engagement ring at New Year’s, and everyone thought he would do it then – but he didn’t. And I’m really glad, actually! It would have been special to have all our family around, but it’s just not us.

A bit about us…

Instead, Angus planned to propose in one of our favourite places. When we first started dating we walked every inch of Edinburgh, so we have a lot of special places. But our favourite walk was always from Bruntsfield through Merchiston back to Gorgie, where we lived (separately, at the time). It was where the dates would wind down and we’d both get nervous about saying goodbye. Sometimes we’d prolong the night by sitting on ‘our bench’ in Harrison Park, watching the dogs that walked by. Now, we live together in Gorgie and we still go sit on our park on late Sunday mornings after a visit to Tea & Sympathy.

How he proposed

So, Angus took me out for dinner in Bruntsfield, and we walked back through Merchiston, and when we got to Harrison Park we stopped at our bench. He had made a card with printed out pictures of us from our various adventures over the years and written sweet nothings on the back. The last one, of course, said ‘will you marry me?’ And he got on one knee, and I said yes. It was all over very quickly, and then it started raining and we ran home. Two weeks later, we celebrated our first anniversary at Ox184, where we went on our first date a year ago to the day.

Everything else that happened

Noticed there was no monthly memo for January? The blues hit me hard, again. As they do every year. I was floored by colds (still sick, even now) and sadness and missing my family, so I lost my mojo a bit. I also came to terms with the fact that I’ll have to find a new job that suits me a bit better. But, I got to spend a weekend petting a cat. Life swings in roundabouts.

So it’s been a busy month, and I’ve been struggling to keep up. Lots of really wonderful happy times and lots of really exhausting times and lots of struggles. But, through all the sleepless nights and stresses, Angus was such a rock. February painted a real picture of ‘that’s life, I guess’. March will hopefully settle a bit! I like the excitement, but I’m looking forward to spring and some new beginnings…

What’s coming up

I’m going to Estonia this weekend, which is somewhere I’ve been looking forward to going to for ages. Then it’s full steam ahead in my digital marketing course and work. This is my last full month, I leave in early April so I need to start applying for jobs and getting a bit serious about the fact that I won’t have an income come Easter… What was that I said about life settling a bit?! February was the month I got engaged, hopefully March will be the month I get a job? Or get the confidence I need to freelance? Who’s to say! Tune in to next month’s Monthly Memo to find out.

More On Scotland | Easy Day Trips From Edinburgh

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