I asked, you answered. Everyone has their own traditions of what Christmas films to watch in the lead up to Christmas. Some people start with Love Actually, others save it for the big day itself. Here is my Ultimate Christmas Movie Schedule – either watch along with me or come back to find inspiration when you’re debating which Christmas film to watch next!
Lead Up to December🎅
It’s November, it’s “too early”. Whatever. I don’t care. I’m getting started on my Christmas films. This November we started off strong with Home Alone to kick us off. I firmly believe you need to start off with a classic to really get you in the Christmas spirit. After that, I tone it down a little – gotta ease into it, don’t want to waste any sweet sweet serotonin. Especially not this year.
November is for any old American Christmas classic, and Hallmark movies/corny Netflix Christmas films. Also – films that technically aren’t a Christmas film but have Christmas in it. Here are my top picks for November:
Classic American Films🎁
Home Alone 1 & 2
Santa Clause 1 & 2
Deck the Halls
Christmas With the Kranks
British films that snuck their way into my Canadian heart🧣🍁
Harry Potter – at least the first one, right?!
Corny Netflix/Hallmark films ☃️
The Princess Switch
The Princess Switch 2 – out on Netflix on November 19th 2020!
The Christmas Calendar
The Knight Before Christmas
Holiday in the Wild
A Christmas Prince
Dash & Lily – a new Christmas series out this year on Netflix. Binged it in one day. Obsessed. Bought the books to read over Christmas.
Not-Christmas Films That Are Still Christmas Films🤫
Bridget Jones Diary
You’ve Got Mail
Die Hard
Little Women
Ding, Ding, Ding, it’s December!🎅
For me, December must start with Arthur Christmas. December 1st it is on and I’m in full festive mode. After that, I slowly work my way through the classics. Sometimes on repeat. Sometimes a corny Netflix film sneaks its way in too.
The List of Ultimate Classics🎄
Arthur Christmas
Love Actually
Home Alone
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas – live action is the one for me!
The Holiday
Miracle on 34th Street
The Polar Express
The Muppets Christmas Carol – not one I’ve ever watched but I have been heavily influenced to include it 😂
THAT is *my* Ultimate Christmas Movie Schedule. To be honest, there are just so many fantastic Christmas films I couldn’t possibly fit them all! But rest assured, I will watch them if I come across anymore. Leave a comment with your favourite, especially if I missed it out! ❄️
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