Monthly Memo #4: Going Back to School

Going back to school….? Kind of. November had a lot going on. I’ve started prepping for Christmas, we’ve got our tree (put it up way too early, let’s not talk about that), we’ve got some decorations and we’ve got some gifts, score! November was also a month of trying to get that work/balance life right. And a month of trying to get plants to grow in the flat and how to make it less grimy and more Instagram. A month of trying to keep the flat clean. Also, it had a few weeks of rabid illness thrown in, and a bit of excitement here in there. Most excitingly, my work went on our away days and I started my new apprenticeship. Don’t worry, I’ll explain this whole brain dump.

Life changes, officially moving in with a boy

I officially moved in with Angus on November 1st… All my stuff was officially moved here that weekend (or around there). So all of November has been a jumble of unpacking things, finding homes for things, and realising where we’re missing things. Example: we have nothing on the walls. Correction: we have some ugly generic prints that came with the flat, and three prints we bought from the shop that feature barnyard animals. Big piggy in the moonlight lives in our bedroom. I’ve also been strugging to keep it clean.

Cleaning, it turns out, is not my forté

It’s a top floor flat which is great because there’s no stomping above, but I never, ever want to take the trash out. Our kitchen is perpetually scummy. Do not even get me started on the bathroom. It’s made improvements but it’s not good. Our spare room is basically just my closet, and nothing looks right. This is going to sound so vapid, but in pure honesty… I cannot find an angle of the flat that works. It’s cosy, but it’s just not there. I need to live in a pretty place, and this isn’t it. There’s clutter and mess and a mishmash of colour and it’s not #mybeigelife instagram enough for me. Please send help.

I feel like the whole sick thing warrants a little section

In other news, I’ve been floored by a flu twice since Summer. Not sure why, and it’s not even a standard cold! The first one may have been food poisoning, the second was pure sickness and exhaustion. Now, because it’s winter and the air is dry, my nose is in everlasting state of dryness and pain. Too much information?

Now onto haircuts, holidays and work stuffs!

Now to the good stuff. I chopped my hair finally. I haven’t cut it since last December when I took it right up to the hairline. It was time, short hair just looks better and I feel better and everything is right in the world again. Other very exciting thing, my team went away on their annual away days. It’s my first one with them and it was so much fun! It’s always kind of nerve wracking when you start a new job and have to see if you’ll fit with the team. I’m really happy I got to go away for two days of team building at a beautiful heritage home in Callander. But I’m even more pleased that I really, genuinely enjoyed spending that time with my colleagues. Having a good office makes the world of a difference!

Edinburgh Story Night

My friend Sophia and I finally brought together Edinburgh’s Story Night! It’s the first ever of it’s kind. Inspired by the Moth and the Dublin Story Slam, we wanted to bring a lowkey story night to Edinburgh where people can share their very real (and very incredible) stories! Edinburgh is a city that loooooves literature, so we thought it would be a good fit. Still, I was so nervous for the first night. I was so sick, I still told my own story (about how Angus and I got together, the theme was first dates), and the room at Typewronger Books was packed! It could hardly have gone better.

Annnnnd yes, I’ve gone back to school.

Ah, the headline topic. I went back to school. Kind of. I’m doing the same course my friend Lauren (Loulabxlle on Instagram and Loulabellerose online) did in digital marketing. She recommended it to me, and I was a bit on the fence when I signed up but I just went for it! It’s sooooo daunting going back to school in any capacity after you’ve been away for awhile. Mad respect for those who do it.

About the program

I only sit in a classroom for a week at a time, tops. And I’m learning allllll about digital marketing, which I really enjoy! I’ve never studied business in any professional capacity, so it’s quite new to me. Luckily, it’s not too theory heavy, and it’s set up in a way that you really soak up all the knowledge! I’ve learned a lot about digital marketing through good old ArcticSabrina, but it’s great to have some questions answered and create a plan for best practice. I should be officially done the course by next spring, it’s just speeding along now and I’m loving it. Who would have thought it, but I really am passionate about marketing. Me, a history grad!

More On Scotland | Easy Day Trips From Edinburgh

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    Marketing is fun! I love dissecting advertisements. It makes me a smarter consumer – no sneak attacks here!


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