Monthly Memo – A new normal

Monthly Memo - arcticsabrina in Tallinn

Hello everyone, happy April! March was a weird one, wasn’t it? Weirdly, this monthly memo is pretty tame! We started the month with an exciting weekend getaway to Northern Europe. A week after we got back to Edinburgh, we were working from home and in isolation. It’s not that I didn’t see it coming… It’s more that I didn’t expect the UK to take it as seriously as it should (and now kind of has). Here’s what in March, and what my goals are for April.

Our trip to Tallinn and Helsinki!

This was a highlight of March. Angus and I went on a short weekend holiday to Tallinn, a place I’ve wanted to go for ages. We decided to go despite COVID-19 because at the time Tallinn had only one case. COVID hadn’t quite hit the UK hard yet, now we know this is likely because they weren’t testing. We spent Saturday on a day trip to Helsinki, and the rest of the time sauna-ing and exploring the depths and joys of slow travel.

Tartan Blanket Co. Oversized Gingham Scarf in Oatmeal
Tartan Blanket Co. Oversized Gingham Scarf in Oatmeal

TBCo x ArcticSabrina

The Tartan Blanket Company is one of my favourite Edinburgh businesses. Their marketing team is fab, the founders Emma & Fergus have the sweetest family ever and their blankets are my most prized homewares. When I assessed for 2020 goals, TBCo was one of my target brands to collaborate with. I was thrilled in March when we agreed to work together on some copy and photography focused on travel. My fiancé turned assistant and I pleasantly discovered that I was right, Tallinn is the perfect backdrop for a photoshoot.

The dreaded ‘working from home’

I was sent to work from home on 16 March, so I’m on week four of working from home. It’s also my last week of working from home, which I’m worryingly thrilled about. At the end of February I gave my notice at work for the beginning of April, when I would be finished my apprenticeship course. I planned to go back to tour guiding while I applied for other jobs and set up a freelance digital marketing business. Ironically, I do love working from home. I get so much more done. But it’s not the right set up for the job I have now, and I’m keen to get started on the next step of my life. Who knew that unemployment during a global pandemic could be exciting?

24/7 spent at home: the new normal?

After one week in isolation I got a dry cough. Probably just asthma, but I stayed in four 14 days just in case I was a mild case. It’s just Angus and I in our flat, and it’s been pretty great! I have more time to do daily Facetime yoga, bake, cook, knit, and create. Angus and I do have our moments – I shouted at him yesterday for not answering the phone when I needed help carrying up the groceries. He was playing a video game. Things were thrown. But, it was our only big argument in isolation together for three weeks, so I consider that a success. Other than not walking to work every day and overspending on coffee, my life hasn’t changed too much.

Monthly memo – Goals for April

I’m not being silly when it comes to my impending unemployment. I just know there’s not much to be done, and I am ready for the next step. Goals will be so important for me over the next four weeks, to make sure I’m tracking my own progress and getting to where I want to be. By the end of April I want to have my business functioning and have a bit of a network.

ArcticSabrina goals!

The other benefit of funemployment in April is that I’ll finally be able to set up the other parts of ArcticSabrina I haven’t been able to work on yet. I’ll be sharing two YouTube videos per week over on the ArcticSabrina channel, one ‘main channel’ style video (like My Boyfriend Does my Makeup), and one vlog. I also want to set up a ‘shop’ page full of my wish list products and give my theme a little face lift.

And that’s the monthly memo for March! Lots of exciting things happening this next month… I’m nervous about not having an income, but I know a lot of people are in the same boat as me. And just so you know: every like, comment, subscription and share (especially share!) goes a long way! It’s the only way I’ll end up growing my online business, so if you see something you like, say something!

Past Monthly Memos|  Watch my ‘new normal’ vlog here

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