*This post contains gifted items of clothing, both the coat and the jumper were gifted by Peregrine UK. Peregrine is a brand that I reached out to, to work with because they are Made in Britain, and use sustainable practices. They produce a really high degree of quality in their clothing!
I have been up Arthur’s Seat only once in my life. Situated at the tipy top of Holyrood Park in Edinburgh, it’s quite a little hike to get up, and, to be honest, I usually can’t be bothered. I go up Calton Hill every other week, and I regularly explore the other seven hills of Edinburgh, but I’ve only gone up Arthur’s Seat once. Today was not that day. Today we went up just high enough that we got a decent view, but more importantly, we got to get up close and personal with all the yellow gorse flourishing in Holyrood Park.