Fashion Lifestyle Scotland

Circus Lane Under Sunny Skies

This week’s outfit post was taken in Circus Lane, and again features pictures by the ever-talented Abbi King (@afolkbee).

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Sunny Days In Circus Lane, One of Edinburgh’s “Hidden Gems”

Sunny skies are a rare occasion in Edinburgh, and usually if they’re there, you don’t know they’re coming. It’s really unusual for me to be able to dress for good weather, but every once in awhile a few days of sun come along and I try my best to make the most of it! Otherwise I’ll have a wardrobe full of skirts, shorts, and dresses that never get worn. Luckily, I was staying on top of the weather last week and an opportunity to go to Circus Lane (in Edinburgh) and wear one of my favourite dresses on a day out with my friend arose!

About Circus Lane…

Circus Lane is a ‘hidden gem’ in Edinburgh, I put hidden gem in quotes because anyone who lives in Edinburgh knows it’s not a hidden gem anymore… but if you’re a tourist it’s probably a cute lane to discover! There are loads of cute little streets like Circus Lane in Edinburgh, but few have gotten the same level of Instagram-fame. It’s right by Stockbridge so it’s easy to find, and there’s loads to do nearby (cafes, shops, walks!) so there’s you’re not going way out of your way just to get a picture — probably why it’s so popular.

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About the outfit…

I’ve been trying hard to wear and rewear all of the things in my closet. I’ve got a bit of a capsule wardrobe. All of my clothes fit into one Ikea wardrobe, but sunny-day clothes tend to get less wear than rainy day clothes. In this case, I bought this white dress on sale at H&M in October. Since then, I’ve only worn it maybe five times… But! It’s a basic piece that I can whip out any time the sun decides to show it’s face again. It’s easy to style a million and one different ways, so I’m sure I’ll be keeping it for a good long while. On this day, inspired by Stockbridge, Dean Village, and Circus Lane, which all have a distinct ‘Beauty and the Beast’ feel to me, I decided to style it like a modern day Belle. The boots are really all that make it Belle-like but whatever.

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Disclaimer: I don’t like to just link to whatever it is I’m wearing.

I don’t think outfit posts like that age well. So, I like this outfit because I think it’s easy to recreate with basic pieces you might already have! Or, it’s easy to find something similar that might even be more your style. I think accessories really make an outfit special, and in this case I think that’s what gave the white dress some life!

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Artisan Roast Iced Coffee — YUM!
Outfit details…

dress: H&M
belt: Armstrong & Sons Vintage
boots: Kelsi Dagger Brooklyn
bag: cambridge satchel company (11″ satchel – oxblood)
jacket: thrifted (originally wal-mart I think lol)
necklace: &otherstories
earrings: primark
*Pictures are again by my friend Abbi, you can follow her on Instagram at @afolkbee.

Carrie Bradshaw Series | An Average Week In Edinburgh (Vlog)

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