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Woolly Sweaters By the Seaside

Woolly sweater outfit of the day meets life chat

I think it’s about time I feature a lil outfit post, so here’s my woolly sweater! My wardrobe and style is very dependent on the season. In the summertime I’m very floaty and fresh with my wardrobe. I don’t like anything too flashy, or too high maintenance. I’ll wear the same pair of jean shorts and plain t shirts with Birkenstocks day in and day out. As the weather gets colder, I always somehow find the inspiration to put a lil extra something into my wardrobe. I suddenly want to take the time to do my hair and makeup, and wear skirts with tights and cozy sweaters and turtlenecks. This year, I moved right at the beginning of September, which meant I had to pack up my entire Autumn/Winter wardrobe, and now I’m working through that summer to fall transition on a very minimal wardrobe.

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Shopping for Glasses Online

Shopping online for glasses can be a struggle. I recently purchased a second pair of glasses for ‘back to school.’ Basically, I bought my original set of glasses from my optometry office, they were hella expensive and hella generic and I wanted something more distinctive but I didn’t want to spend another $400. (Yikes – thank god for coverage am I right?!) Like all things that I want to buy for cheap, I looked online. Shopping for glasses online is not straightforward. Glasses also aren’t the sort of thing you can go ‘good enough!’ with. I found a few different eye glasses websites but decided to go with ‘EyeBuyDirect’ for a few reasons….

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