eco friendly

19 Things To Do In 2019

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A classic ’19 things to do in 2019 list’! Ahhh, it wouldn’t be a new year without a good old bucket list! I’m very nosey so I loooove reading people’s bucket lists, but this year I thought I would adapt mine to be less all about me so that it’s a bit more accessible to readers. So this is my list of 19 things to do in 2019, that maybe you will also like to try this year!…

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PSA: Get Your Clothes Altered

An Old Way to Battle Fast Fashion

I never got my clothes altered growing up. I also wasn’t as much of a consumer then as I am now, and I just wore whatever I had and whatever was given to me as it was. As an adult, I’ve started shopping waaaaay more than I ever thought I would. And, I’ve become aware of how those shopping habits are impacting the planet negatively.

I mostly buy clothes online, so I rarely get to try things on before committing. I’m also a bargain hunter, 90% of the time the stuff I’ve bought is on sale, and non-refundable. Result? I’ve gotten my share of clothes that kind of/sort of fit. At least enough to be wearable, but are nothing like what I’d imagine. I mostly wear them out of guilt for having bought them, and am constantly disappointed at how badly they fit me. So I made the simply choice get getting my clothes altered.

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The Eco-Friendly Gift Guide

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In honour of Earth Day I thought I would share with you an eco-friendly gift guide. Whether you’re buying for someone who’s super up on the sustainable and ethically conscious consumer movement, or you yourself want to buy more eco-friendly even when gift giving, I’ve got you covered. As the environmental movement gets co-opted by consumer culture, we’re seeing more and more eco-friendly products for different interests.

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