life chats

What’s Weirder: Dating Someone You’ve Never Met, Or Someone You Know Well?

I’ve been thinking about the question of how you meet people a lot lately.

Half of the people I’ve dated I’ve known for awhile before we started dating, whether that be through work, or school, or hobbies. The other half are people I met off-chance and hit it off with. In both cases, it felt more like I knew that person in some capacity before we started dating, because we didn’t meet and the intention wasn’t immediately the possibility of a relationship of some sort (or was it?). Now that I’ve been frequenting the Tinder, I’m curious about how you date someone you’ve never met before? We’ve covered topics like: do I really want to be dating? And how am I going to know if I like them romantically? But we’ve never covered the ‘how do you even get to know someone from a strictly dating perspective?’

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My Dating Dry-Spell

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Should I care about my dating dry-spell?

It has been a full two years since I’ve had a boyfriend. Two years since I’ve been on a date, kissed a person, the whole nine yards of relationship. Two YEARS! And it’s just zoomed on by, I’ve been in a dating dry spell and I didn’t even notice! Dating is something that’s so common in everyone else’s lives, but I feel like it’s slipped out of mine and I didn’t bother to notice or care. For the past two years I have been so focused on school, friendships, and eventually moving out… Dating just fell to the background, and I didn’t look back at it until now….

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